Prophetic Scourge - Calvary (2018)

Band: Prophetic Scourge
Album: Calvary
Year: 2018
Genre: Progressive Death Metal
Country: France (Anglet, Nouvelle-Aquitaine (early), Biarritz, Nouvelle Aquitaine (later))
 Format | Quality: mp3 | 320 kbps
Label: Klonosphère


1. The Penitent — Confrère De La Miséricorde
2. The Witchfinder: Until Your Flesh Departs
3. The Flagellant — Whipping To Epiphany
4. The Medium — A Spider Goddes Is Revealed
5. The Hierophant — Bringing Lost Sheep Back To The Fold
6. The Alchemist — Caging The Homunculi (In Water At Box)
7. The Apostate: Enlightening Inviting Denial
8. The Cultist — The Rise Of The Great Lord Cthulhu